Sunday, April 11, 2010

Birthday Sale at Rose Tree Fibers

     The 82nd birthday of Rosemary Heideman, founder, owner and spiritual leader of Rose Tree Fiber Shop, seemed like a really good excuse for a party, and we (the shop staff, that is) decided that a really good sale was the kind of party everybody would like best.  Rosemary was all for it, and last Saturday we invited area knitters and fiber fans to come celebrate.  With virtually everything in the store on sale, it was a good opportunity.
     People stopped by all day to wish Rosemary a happy birthday and pick up bargains on yarn, needles and patterns for summer knitting.  Spinners found a great variety of fibers, rovings and raw fleece.  The day's bestsellers included colored rovings, Berocco Vintage and sock yarns and all the wonderful yarns from Brown Sheep Co.  By the end of the day there were noticeable "holes" in the yarn bins and fleece baskets, and parts of the needle wall were almost bare.  Without a doubt, this was a successful event.
     The Metro Knitters from Des Moines came as a group, enjoyed lunch at the deli next door and shopped to their hearts' content before joining the knitting circle in the shop's back room. A special guest, Rosemary's longtime friend Emmy Shakeshaft, stopped in for a visit and to replenish her stock of spinning fibers.  Emmy taught weaving at Rose Tree for many years -- in fact, she was the first teacher Rosemary hired after the shop opened.

Rosemary (right) shows Emmy a photo of the the two of them taken at an event in Wisconsin. The poncho Emmy is wearing is one she wove from her own hand-dyed and hand-spun yarns.

This birthday cake did not last fact, it was completely demolished by mid-afternoon.

So much yarn.....   so little time!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you all had a wonderful time with Rosemary at the shop. WIth a great sales day like you had, much merchandise will have to be reordered. Nothing like good times coupled with a business success. Tell Rosemary happy birthday for us.
