Saturday, July 24, 2010

Knitting on the Road: Will we EVER get out of town?

     Departure minus 18 hours, and we aren't even close to being ready to leave.  Craig and I have been planning this trip to the Southwest for more than a year, and when our grandson Ben agreed to move in and keep our two very spoiled cats happy while we're gone, we had the last detail taken care of and could get ready to leave. We're starting at  the North Rim of the Grand Canyon and then going to as many National Parks in Utah as we can visit in a couple of weeks.  This will be a combination car camping, bicycling, hiking and backpacking trip, so our VW Westy is going to be packed to the max.  PLUS, I am working hard to get work ready for the fall galleries and shows, so knitting on the road is not just a boredom reliever this year -- it's necessary.
     The question is:  how many skeins and balls, patterns and tools can I fit into a 14-gal Rubbermaid tub??  That's the amount of space I get, and I'm lucky to be getting it.  After we squeeze in all of our clothing, food, water, backpack and bike gear, maps, guidebooks and all the necessary electronica to keep us moving there is precious little space left, and we have to make every inch count.  We're both pretty good at packing light, but when we're bringing stuff for at least three different sports and we're going where there aren't any Targets to replenish from, the load is bigger than either of us likes.  I admit to a few redundancies -- rain jackets even though we're headed for the desert, extra blankets 'cause we both HATE being cold at night, that big bag oft trail mix because I only like the kind with M&Ms (might not be able to find it away from home).
     I'm planning on lots of knitting on the road, along with a good vacation and some time to spend with Craig away from work and the daily grind.  Keep checking this blog and also Craig's blogsite we'll post details of our adventures as often as we can get in internet connection.

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